Our anchor equipment is used for construction projects such as quay structures, onshore and offshore wind turbine foundations, tunnels, trenches, retaining walls, and slope stabilization. We maintain an extensive range of products that can be used to overcome even the toughest challenges.
Regardless of the type, anchor and micropile systems are basically differentiated according to their function: on the one hand, temporary systems with a maximum service life of two years; on the other hand, permanent systems that primarily meet higher requirements for corrosion protection.
Anchoring systems that do not have to be drilled, driven or installed using other machine technology are particularly economical. Due to the high dead weight alone, lifting equipment is required for handling.If sufficient space is available and earthmoving is unproblematic or necessary anyway, these mostly horizontal systems are the optimum solution.

An anchorage employing round steel tie rods is an econo-mical solution for securing a sheet pile wall, which can be adapted to suit the situation. The forces acting on the wall are transferred via the waling to the round steel tie rods and then to the anchor plates or walls. The selection and design of the anchoring structure is done in accordance with static and structural requirements.

Micropiles are different non-prestressed pile types with a diameter below 300 millimeters. They are increasingly used in hydraulic engineering and harbor projects as tension elements and are replacing more and more driven pile systems. The further development of drilling techniques has contributed significantly to this. Moreover, in addition to their use as tie-back systems, they are used in particular to reinforce existing foundations as foundation or post-foundation elements and transfer tensile and compressive forces into the ground. Depending on the area of application, micropiles are stressed only in tension or also in compression and tension. We offer appropriate solutions for all requirements.
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Anchor equipment
Die Verankerung mit unseren Ankern ist eine wirtschaftliche und bautechnisch variable Lösung, um Spundwände sicher zu verankern.
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Micropiles are different non-prestressed pile types with a diameter below 300 millimeters.
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Technical Office
On request, we take care of all aspects of project planning, such as tenders, statics, calculations and more.
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