The terra ASF micropile is a micropile system approved by DIBt in accordance with DIN EN 14199, which terra infrastructure has developed in cooperation with specialist foundation engineering companies as a tension/compression and alternating load pile. It is a further development of existing pile systems. The terra ASF micropile is characterized by high internal load-bearing capacities and load reserves as well as great robustness and low deformation. This is achieved by using good-natured steel grades in accordance with DIN EN 10025. Durable corrosion protection is ensured with the aid of the cement stone cover of the grout body. Permanent corrosion protection of the pile head is ensured either by setting the pile head in concrete or by using the pile head construction in accordance with the approval..
- Foundation piles
- Bracing in marine and special civil engineering
- Bracing in waterway expansion
- According to DIBt approval Z-34.13-243 Maximum strain of up to 4,242 kN
- Can be used as compression and tension piles in accordance with DIN EN 14199
- Low steel strain guarantees rapid activation of forces with low deformation
- Permanent corrosion protection over the full length over the cement block cover
- Delivery lengths ex works up to 35 meters, beyond that any extension possible

TITAN micropiles are regulated in Germany by the general technical approval Z-34.14-209 issued by Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt). They are micropiles (pipe injection piles) for which the specifications of DIN EN 14199 in conjunction with DIN SPEC 18539 must be observed, unless otherwise specified in the approval.
- Excavation pits in general
- Back anchoring of retaining walls
- Underpinning and re-grounding of bridges
- buoyancy control
- Road construction
- Reinforcement of bridge abutments
- Rehabilitation of bridge piers and harbor areas
- Foundations of high voltage pylons, transmission towers, wind generators
- Power pylons for railroads
- Noise and sound barriers
- Avalanche protection
- Adaptable to any load pattern due to different approved diameters
- Short execution times, as the support member acts as drill pipe
- Can be used with any drilling equipment
- Can be used as pull and push pile
- Low settlement in foundations when used in foundations with pressed piles
- Durable corrosion protection due to cement stone overburden
- Work under limited heights possible by using partial lengths of 1 to 3 m

Soil nailing is a method of improving the natural stability of the soil. Soil nails increase the cohesion that is lacking in loose material. They also enhance the tensile and shear strength of such soils, thus creating a new composite material with a high load-carrying capacity. The soil must exhibit an adequate minimum stability for site operations.
- Slope stabilization
- Construction pit stabilization
- Rehabilitation of landslide slopes and slope roads
- retaining walls
- Rockfall trap net foundation
- Support of track substructure
- Backfill embankments
- Ideal for steep slopes because soil nails can be installed in 2 or 3 m lengths with lightweight drilling rigs
- Flexible, environmentally friendly method of construction suitable for any terrain
- Ideal for existing structures that are to be incorporated into new construction works
- Minimal vibrations
- Little noise
- Cost-effective method for temporary and permanent applications
- Durable corrosion protection through cement stone roofing
- Additional corrosion protection possible through galvanizing
- Supporting link functions as drill pipe, thus saving time during installation